Hope you will find some replies that you were looking for, happy reading!
Discussion here
Eg.: Save one load-out for small game shooting, and another load-out for big game, so as to quickly change loud-outs and get back into the hunt.
Yes, we’ve talked about this feature a lot and in details and it might happen sooner than you think.
Q: Do you have plans to add squirrels in the future? Since we have coonhounds in the game now, will raccoon ever be added? Maybe a coon hunting option added to the dog as well?
Q: Will we ever see team competitions and a trophy room?
Q: Will we ever get a motion predator decoy?IRL ambush hunting small predators is really the only viable option they're just to elusive to be stalk hunted.
To all of this I can only say - maybe

But, some of the things mentioned have been discussed and will happen.
Q: Will you ever be able to create red dot sights for the pistols? I know the Aimpoints have their restrictions due to licensing reasons, but you would sell a ton if you created your own specifically for the pistols. Edit: Shotguns too deserve a red dot sight unlike the current one that blacks out the view around it.
We’ll think about it!
Q: Will we ever see Africa? Is there a reason why it hasn't been implemented yet? It's easily one of the most popular selections in the polls and would provide tons of really great realistic hunting opportunities.
Africa has been discussed for years and years and has been (almost) brought into the roadmap a couple of times. There are a lot of reasons why it hasn’t happened yet, one of them is because it’s a huge risk production-wise for such a small team as ours, it would take a hell lot of development time and resources. It’s not cheap to develop a game. Then there is an ethical aspect which is one of our main pillars in theHunter Classic that we treat extremely seriously, and we won’t be adding Africa until we feel that our game design in that respect is 100% bulletproof.
I don’t want to rule out the possibility of Africa completely though. It might happen one day but there are a lot of question marks that we would need to tackle first.
Q: Last but not least....... Bigfoot?
… is extraterrestrial (I think).
Q: Have you ever considered 'recruiting' (a small and select number of) trustworthy players to consult with and possibly get some advice from behind closed doors before you start working on new features and content? Of course the forum and annual surveys are great assets for you, and your communication with the community is already pretty amazing, but 1) discussing possible future content in public inevitably leads to rumors and unrealistic hopes and expectations, and 2) you can't read everything that gets posted on the forum.
We actually do have a similar group of external “experts”. Have had them since the beginning of theHunter. They are amazing and theHunter wouldn’t be the same without them.
Q: Currently, people who spend more time playing have higher skill levels (and thus more accurate information available to them) than someone who still enjoys playing, but because of other real life commitments, can only play a few hours a week, if that. Are there any plans to increase skill rate for players who don't have a lot of time, or perhaps rework the skill/xp system overall to make hunting more about skill than simply about time spent?
I hear this complaint a lot but to be honest I don’t agree. It’s like in real life - if you want to become great at something, you’ve got to spend time doing it. The more time you spend the better you are. In this respect our skills system simulate real life perfectly. We are thinking about adding competitions with time limitations to cater to people with real life commitments, but this is as long as we would probably go.
Q: Primal has achievements on Steam. Will we see theHunter get Steam achievements, even if they are simply a copy of what is on the webpage (animal and weapon kills), as well as other Steam benefits like trading cards, emoticons, custom backgrounds, etc?
Yes, you most likely will!
Q: Currently, completing mission packs seem to offer no real reward other than a congratulatory message. Are there any plans to create trophies for completing mission packs, which not only would give a player something to earn, but also encourage players to purchase weapons to complete those packs because they want the trophies to show off?
Nice idea, we shall think about it.
Q: A shopping cart would make purchasing items much easier and would provide the company with opportunities to sell extra items to impulse buyers. It also might be nice - especially for weapons - to have the actual 3D model of the item in the store which could spin, zoom, pan, and inspect prior to buying it. Has any consideration been given to overhauling how we shop and buy items in the store, making it not only easier to purchase multiple items at once, but also more clearly inspect them using actual models instead of 2D images?
Q: Is there any plans in the works to improve the way the store works? Such as a cart with discounts based on the total em$ cost in the cart. Or 1 week memberships purchasable with em$ in the store?
We’ve discussed all these things, and I agree that our store needs an overhaul. We don’t have it planned for the immediate future, but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen at some point.
Q: Can we expect in the future the ability to delete images from our galleries? Not only would this make players such as myself quite happy, but it would also free up a LOT of storage space for the website and reduce the amount of data pulled when a player opens that page.
Q: Will double barrel rifles be implemented in the future or at least considered?
We’ve played with this idea for quite some time, and this is definitely a dream for some of us. The problem we are running into is the way our weapons are set up in the code, and this would be a huge undertaking to change. In short, we are not sure that the return on investment from developing such a rifle will be positive. It might change if we find a silver bullet one day.
Q: Will the current license system stay as it is or is there a possibility you might tweaked it in the future?
We have no plans but are always open to suggestions.
Q: Is there a chance that we will see more animal species added to the Bushrangers Run reserve?
Yes, there is always a chance. We love Bushrangers Run and want it to become more attractive for hunters and get all the credit it deserves.
Q: Do you have any future plans or ideas for theHunter: Primal?
Nothing I can answer. unfortunately. Please check the official theHunter Primal community for news and updates.
Q: Are you planning to transfer theHunter on a new engine?
This would be an undertaking of colossal scale, for a game like theHunter with the amount of content we have. We don’t have plans to do that right now, but never say never. Things change in game development with the speed of light, so who knows what the future will bring

Q: I know bears are being revamped right now. Do you have more animals that you plan on improving in the future?
We’re working on polishing deer animations right now, other than we have no immediate plans but all suggestions are welcomed.
Q: By the way, why Doc was not invited for a photo session?
He was sick and grumpy.
Q: Are there any plans to improve HunterMate?
Not right now.
Q: How often, and for how long do you play the game? This means like we play, not with dev tools altering the actual game for testing specific features.
I play a couple of hours per week on average, there are periods when I play every day for a few hours, and there are times when I don’t play on the live environment at all. But I keep coming to the game, even though I suck big time

Q: If you could pick one thing to improve, what would it be?
Rewrite our frontend code and then redo the website completely by adding tons of cool features, stats and what not. Adding anything to the website is a nightmare even for the most experienced developers because of the old and messy legacy code.
Q: On a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the same, and 1 being nothing like it, how would you rate the game compared to what was actually intended?
4, on average. When we start working on a new feature, we always have this pretty amazing thing in mind, smooth gameplay, all that. Then we start developing and running into issues. Corners being cut, things get messy because of the legacy code and past game design decisions, compromises have to be made, bugs and issues start popping up. Fun times! Our goal is to always deliver the best possible result with the tools we have, but if you compare it with the initial plans it’s usually 3.5 - 4 out of 5.
Q: Who in your group takes it the best .... Who is the dev that keeps the spirit high when times are tough. Who is the one or two who always put a smile on the others’ face. If I can guess, I would say its the guy behind the skull.
We have a lot of them, but Greg and Robin fit the description the best in my opinion.
Q: Which is the reserve you think is worst developed?
Bushrangers Run
Q: Do you think that TH has come to the final point or do you believe you are still hungry of more features (we hope for just one answer!!!! ?
No doubt, we are hungry as hell and are bursting with ideas and energy. I don’t see theHunter Classic coming to a final point in years to come, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken this job

Q: Can we expect regular teams comps as showdown model in the daily comps?
Maybe, we’ll think about it.
Q: Which internal process improvement projects do you have currently?
We are currently in the process of improving our project management tool and its usage, which makes it easier for us to track who is working on what and what development stage the feature is in. Another project on my to do list is to create a better documentation for content delivery, especially art assets.
Q: I always wanted to know how many members there are in the player base?
We don’t disclose those numbers, sorry. But we have a very strong support among our player-base.
Q: What animals and reserve locations not in the game would the dev team want the most to be implemented (survey results aside)? Why?
I would love a water buffalo and a capercaillie. My dream reserve to work on would be the one based in Eastern Europe, inspired by Poland and Belarus, with European bison, capercaillie and other animals of my home country.
Q: Will EW ever go back and build upon stuff we already have making it more in depth and engaging? Eg. an overhaul of the call system. 1 call bringing animals to the exact spot in a straight line 100% of the time. This is highly unrealistic and kinda takes the anticipation and suspense of the hunt out of it. Once you hear the call of an animal it’s almost a forgone conclusion of the outcome.
We don’t have plans to overhaul the call system right now, but this might change is we see enough requests for it.
Q: What happened to ideas such as saved load-outs and filling bait sights from the homepage, user made comps, and the overhaul and adoption of CSS into comps?
Nothing happened to them, they are sitting in our magic box called “community suggestions” and waiting for their time.
Q: Can someone work with you guys in his country or he must travel to Avalanche Studio?!
Guys from our support team work on a remote basis. Otherwise we only have in-house employees. Avalanche Studios, as any other gaming company, has strict security and confidentiality policies which make it difficult if not impossible to work out of office.
Q: Do you have pets? If yes, what and what is its/their name(s)?
Yes, I have a cat girl, she is adorable and I love her to bits.
Q: How long it takes you to create new weapon (including animations, sounds etc) and how long it takes to make just new skin for it? As example how long it took to create Pulsar and how long to create two new skins which been released yesterday?
To create a completely new weapon from scratch - around 35 days (from design to the backend set-up). A reskin - around 13 days. That’s all included. Pulsar took more of that, mostly because of the completely new animations and their code implementation.
Q: Can you explain why it is impossible to apply reindeer on WRR? I guess it's about the migration, but can we hear a little more about the exact cause please?
Indeed. The problem is the shape of Whiterime Ridge, it’s too irregular to allow reindeer migrate from border to border as they are used to on Hemmeldal.
Q: Do you plan to add young animal models into the game?
This would be a very low priority.
Q: Does anybody of the team play theHunter game in free time (not for work purpose)?
Yes, quite a few of us.
Q: Does anybody of the team occasionally or regularly hunt in real life?
Our support manager David Lucas is probably the most avid hunter amongst us. Our CEO Pim does it too, as well as our previous animator Hampus.
Q: Are you going to make changes in the inventory and membership weapons?
I mean, I have 7 single shot shotguns and if a buy a new membership I'll get another one ... won't be better to take off the repeated weapons for users that actually have those ones and give some EM$ or choose new equipment?
We are planning to implement a solution for duplicates not to mess up the inventory, but no plans beyond that right now.
Q: What language are you using to communicate with each other? You couldn't all have learned Swedish, have you?
The official language in the whole company is English, we have a lot of people coming from other countries than Sweden, plus our community is very international. You do hear Swedish speech quite often though.
Q: Can i ask why you sell re-skinned (paint) weapons separately? Why you don’t sell on every weapons various skins (paint) but weapon stay same? For example Snakebite... paint in one color (red, black...) for 75em$, skin with winter camo, arid camo,... for 150 em$ and special or maybe also reward skins with flags, signed or just special event inspired for 250 em$ or free for special hard core mission. There is wrong way sold copy-paste weapons... With skin system you have empty hands to do it multiple version of Weapons. Hunters will have chance to personalize your weaponry.
It’s a really nice idea, but we would need to develop a separate complex system for handling that.
Q: Will we ever see a B&C and/or an Army scarf?
Let’s do it.