New (German) Wiki - Feedback - a bit disappointed

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New (German) Wiki - Feedback - a bit disappointed

Post by Selmui »

Since I am the main/ only author of the German theHunter Wiki, I want to give you guys feedback on the new wiki.

I hope someone will read this comment, because this section of the forum seems to be dead (last post 9 month ago). So is there anyone reading this forum regularly? Let me know.

First of all, I am a bit disappointed. I am taking care of all, nearly 1500 wiki pages (sure, a ton of them is not used anymore (templates etc.) and can be deleted) for the last 4.5 years. So changes like using a new platform affect me more than, let's say a normal reader. But I was not informed. I had to read the status update to know that there will be changes. I know, it is not your duty to inform me, but it would have been nice.

That brings me to the key point: Before all these changes, the German wiki was pretty much up to date. Only the latest changes (polar bear etc.) were missing. With the help of templates etc. I was able to update the wiki with a minimum workload.

Now things have changed:

I don't have access to my account. So I am supposed to create a new one?

A ton of pictures is missing (I am talking about more than 200). It would cost me weeks to replace them all. Many can't be replaced, because I don't have the originals anymore.

I am not familiar with the new platform. I don't know if the new wiki supports all my templates. At first glance, I don't think so. If so, it would take much more time to update all pages.

Things like the sidebar are gone and must be replaced, which takes a lot of unnecessary time. Especially the sidebar was an important navigation aid. Now the wiki is confusing...

A lot of ads and even with adblockers on, the wiki is squeezed into a 4:3 format to make room for the invisible ads.


So I am writing, to inform you, that there are major problems (from a writer's perspective). The workload has increased dramatically.
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Re: New (German) Wiki - Feedback - a bit disappointed

Post by HooCairs »

Hello selmui,

The new wiki is confusing at first, but everything can be used as before. All the templates should work. The syntax is the same.

David has copied all pages and (hopefully) all pictures too. I will send him a note to read this.
There is a mass upload page for pictures were you can upload 20 at a time in case you have many pictures to add: ... _hochladen

Create a new account and send a PM to Alena with your name, and she will add you as an administrator for theHunter Wiki.
When you start editing, a wisiwig-editor will come up. I have changed in my Preferences that always the "Source editor" comes up.
Also, we need to protect all pages, or they can be edited by everyone that signs up.

The side navigation is gone. We must use the top navigation now. You can change it here: ... ction=edit
The quickest access to this menu is the black button in the tip right corner called [Contribute], then choose the bottom option "Edit Wiki navigation".
There can be 4 top menus and 7 sub-menus, and every sub-menu can hold 10 entries in the dropdown.

I have spent a lot of time editing pages because of the narrow space. Some pictures needed to be reduced. Otherwise a sideways scrollbar will appear.

Send me PM's or messages in here and I am happy to help you get going. Can be in German of course too. :)
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Re: New (German) Wiki - Feedback - a bit disappointed

Post by HooCairs »

To protect pages, click [Edit] and select Protect. Choose these options:

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Re: New (German) Wiki - Feedback - a bit disappointed

Post by HooCairs »

To protect pages, click [Edit] and select Protect. Choose these options:


This will protect the page and all pages that have been included as template.
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Re: New (German) Wiki - Feedback - a bit disappointed

Post by Alena Rybik »

Hi Selmui,

Thanks for speaking up your mind, I appreciate it. You are completely right abot being upset about being kept in the dark about the wiki move, this is my mistake and please accept my sincere apologies. I guess I just haven't been aware that you've been active on the Geman wiki in the last months and I have#t checked. I am sorry, I of course should have invloved you into the discussion. HooCairs has addressed your technical questions in a very detailed way above, so to reiterate, nothing got lost from german wiki, David has imported it all, some things juts need to be published. Please create an account at wikia and let me know your username, so I can make you an administrator. We would really love to have you on the team, and I hope that we#ll be able to make it up to you for this misunderstanding. If you have any quqestions, please do not hesitate to ask me, HooCairs or David.
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