The forum signature.

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The forum signature.

Post by LittleDeer »

I'm curious if anyone here could weigh In why the forum signature struggles with harvests? Overall I considered it pretty accurate for sub 200 kills per species, but anymore and It starts getting very inaccurate I noticed this in august when I did the community league my rock ptarmigan PB's were correct but according to the forums I had 100 less harvested than what was showed across the 7 attempts.

A friend has harvested over 2200 whitetail this season but despite that his forum signature shows him at about a 1000

I like keeping track of all my statistics, harvests and so forth so having correct signatures would be handy.

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Re: The forum signature.

Post by xOEDragonx »

It only counts animals with a score, so no female whitetail deer will display on it. Test this by doing a hunt shooting just females, or just males, and see the result (but remember it might take a few hours/a day to update).

It also only counts airborne birds, minus turkey and wood grouse. So if 100 of your ptarmigan were shot on the ground or had a (G) score, it wouldn't have recorded them. Test this by doing a bird hunt and shooting all of the birds on the ground or all in the air, and see the results.
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Re: The forum signature.

Post by LittleDeer »

I see that makes a whole lot of sense, would be nice if it counted everything but same time I supose it works out well for deer since you can keep tabs on your total harvests and In return know exactly how many bucks got shot!

Thank you so much Dragon, I would of never knew!
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