Can't progress Turkey skills

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Can't progress Turkey skills

Post by wooz »

I'm stuck at level 2 99% spotting and level 6 38% tracking. I've spotted and tracked maybe a dozen turkeys since noticing but the skills won't increase.This is a very old account, if that matters.

Bug Report
Game Mode: Both
Hunter Name: Absolutix

Spotting skill for turkeys won't increase past 99% lvl2. But spotting itself seems to work. I was able to complete the turkey mission "Eagle Eye" by spotting 3 turkeys without any issues.
Tracking skill for turkeys won't increase past 38% lvl6, BUT during the last hunt I tracked a whole bunch of turkeys and got a popup telling me my skill level increased to 7. However, the Skills page still says Lvl6 38%.

Other skills seem to increase just fine, as I can see from looking at skills corresponding to animals which I've only started hunting very recently. But I haven't checked every single skill, nor is it in my power.

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Re: Can't progress Turkey skills

Post by roebuck7 »

Taking a quick look at your profile it shows that your spotting is lvl 3 52% and tracking lvl 7 4% for turkey. It just probably took some time to update.
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Re: Can't progress Turkey skills

Post by wooz »

You're right, but this is far from ideal. I should have had spotting 3 already in that hunt and yet I couldn't estimate the weight of turkeys that I spotted for the entire hunt. Ah well, at least it updated eventually. Mods can delete or lock this, thanks.
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