Wood Grouse - Mission 10

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Wood Grouse - Mission 10

Post by DomKiller »

Harvest an airborne male Wood Grouse scoring more than 6300 using .223 ammunition from more than 50m (approx. 164ft.).

Any idea how this can be achieved? Any secret hints?
I've so far never saw an airborne wood grouse on 50 m distance. They are usually running away, even if you are next to them rather than flying very short distance near the ground!
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Re: Wood Grouse - Mission 10

Post by xOEDragonx »

The most difficult part of this mission is finding a grouse of the right size in an area where you can see a long distance. For me, I spotted a big grouse right on the edge of the river in Val-des-bois. My trick was to call him to me on the opposite side of the river, let him get close enough that he spooked on his own, and he went running back across the river. They will often fly once they get some distance away from you, but they don't seem to stay airborne for long. I had to repeat this process several times with the same grouse because I kept missing with the .223 SA for some reason, but the set-up worked every time. He would fly right about the time he'd get to 40-50m or so. I imagine if you can spook one across a clearing in Hemmeldal or across a field in Hirschfelden, you can achieve the same thing. It just needs to be an open enough area that you can still see it when it does finally decide to fly.
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Re: Wood Grouse - Mission 10

Post by muldo »

I put a tent 50 metres down the slope from Tower1 (south west) on Hirschfelden. Then put 3 grouse decoys 30 metres down the slope from the tower. Call the Grouse in, if the right score potential, spook with a warning shot and pot is as it glides down the hill. Works for the airborne Grouse comp too. Best of luck.
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Re: Wood Grouse - Mission 10

Post by HooCairs »

Stand hunting won't work so well for this. Run around until you find tracks of one that might have the right size. Keep running until you see recent fleeing tracks. They will fly pretty much everywhere if they have an open space ahead.
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Re: Wood Grouse - Mission 10

Post by K4n4y »


completed it just a couple of months ago in map Hirschfelden from a tree stand as my .223 was bought not long ago for some missions and skill level isn't great so the stands help a bit with this. Using this spot where i often go to hunt those birds and some other species roaming around :

Here using a double tree stand but works fine with a single person stand if it's placed to have an open sights to the road.
The exact location can be seen here : https://www.thehunter.com/#profile/k4n4 ... 1006461377

When a potential good scorer came to the decoys i let it wander a bit around the decoys and waited for it to face the road going up the small hill like here in picture :
else it will either only run away or do a short fly into the woods direction, then i shoot once just behind it to trigger the escape flight, the bird flies above the open road, then shooting it while it starts to glide down before the landing is quite easy, had used the rangefinder before to see more or less where the 50m were, just to have some visual mark and be sure it won't be a too close shot.

One day i got lucky to get the one in link a bit above that had the scoring needed but repeated this quite a few times before getting there, even if my spotting levels isn't too bad for those birds i was disappointed more than once when going to collect the birds. The real challenge of this mission is finding a bird fat enough :/

Anyways good luck if you are still on this mission ;)
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