So I bought myself a pair of dogs...

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So I bought myself a pair of dogs...

Post by Hunter_Nopants »

Retriever is great, already level 15 and he is cool and useful. I love it.

Scent hound...where to begin. Keep in mind, I bought these guys yesterday. Scent is only level 3. He levels much slower than the retriever. He couldn't track his own behind right now, but that will get better I am sure. The only thing he is good at right now is sitting down in my line of fire when I go prone. I still love it. It does take a bit more effort when I have him with me since I have to micro manage him at times. The only thing I don't like is all the noise he makes. Its a bit much in my opinion.

All in all I am glad I got them both. I look forward to the day when the scent hound skips right over the wrong set of tracks and guides me to my kill.

Until that time, its just like my real life dog...a giant pain in my #$@. :D
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