This is the thread for you to share your tips and advice with your fellow hunters. If you've stumbled upon a great tip by another person somewhere on...
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Make sure when harvesting animals that you have the Hunter Mate in your hand (as to not confuse the can't havest bug ) with simple error. Silly as...
This bait site has always been a producer but this is over the top LOL
and there is about 6 more hogs not in the snap
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There is one big problem with baits seems like NEVER get big ones on baits
Never had problems with hog or bear baits it is always the goat bait that...
Did you see the rack on that bull elk at the end of the About This Game synopsis? Classic's devs wiped out the big scoring animals for...
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I think I am going to sneak in with a new account and no one will know who or when or who I am and I will take the game by storm with my trusty .243...
It's that time of year again! Players are able to nominate their favorite games on Steam. theHunter: Classic is nominated for the ''...
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This topic was created by me to come together and support our favorite game. It was meant as a heads-up, so that players know they are able to vote,...
I'm croach walking along a trail and out of nowhere a cow elk walks in front of me not 10m away. I assumed it would spook...
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yep, had about the same thing happen back in the earlier days, with a moose cow asleep in the middle of the road. crawled up to it and nudge it a bit...
Back to the game (again :p) after a few weeks abroad, noticed some weird things since the 10 days or so i restarted :
- Ducks landing...
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Same for me, just a bit more of overall four thousand ducks harvested in game but never seen this before a couple of weeks ago where it happened in a...
big problem with error coming up when loading game
I can always reload game PROBLEM is lose a hunt in comps as if you played Kind of a **** off when...
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Yep. I lost my first attempt in the Community League Sambar comp to that today. :x
Hell I can not even get into these comp I just get a spinning...
I've been wondering how to hear the direction of animals in The Hunter Classic. I play this game on a laptop with stereo headphones, and I still...
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Only sure way to tell direction of a call is with the hunter m and look at map a circle will be shown were call game from
I am sure most of you know...
Something interesting, weird, and unexplainable persistently happens in my games from time to time on Whiterime Ridge. I hear strange 'human ambient...
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That's probably when we're all on Discord, and my hubby falls asleep in his chair and starts snoring again... :roll: :lol:
Goat bait problem needs to be looked into as it is now it is a waste of money for bait They no longer work
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Hmm.. if it is that easy in real life, my guess is that the game made them more easy to spook because shooting them like that in a game would be too...
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