This forum is for reporting bugs or glitches found involving the animals. Please use the animals species name in the topic title with description, titles with only "found a bug", "bug" and alike will be deleted.
Example title: Bear tracks disappear
This forum is for reporting bugs or glitches found in equipment (Inventory Items). Please use the kind of equipment name in the topic title with description, titles with only "found a bug", "bug" and alike will be deleted.
Example title: Muzzleloader, Red Deer Caller.
This forum is for reporting bugs or glitches found within the landscape. Please use the environments names in the topic title with description, titles with only "found a bug", "bug" and alike will be deleted.
Example title: Redfeather Falls floating rocks
This forum is for reporting bugs or glitches found on the website, forum, competitions and missions. Please use the reported issue in the topic title with description, titles with only "found a bug", "bug" and alike will be deleted.
Example title: Website typo
This forum is for reporting bugs or comments regarding anything related to localization (i.e. translation and theHunter in other languages than English)
This forum is for reporting bugs or glitches that are specific for multiplayer game. Please add a summary of the bug in the topic title with description, titles with only "found a bug", "bug" and alike will be deleted.
Example title: Ducks bounce and disappear
Please post coordinates to floating objects/rocks and spikes that you have found throughout the environments. The ones that we are most interested in...
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Location: Redfeather Falls
Object: Rock
Coordinates: X = -10855 ; Y = -5227
rock image
Dette forum er oprettet for at hjælpe de Danske oversættere ved at rapportere eventuelle fejl og mangler i den Danske udgave af spillet.
Det er okey...
I wonder, if I am the only one having increasing trouble with 0.3-0.6s wound times in TGT (WRR and PB as well but as far not as as often), as nobody...
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I just checked mine. Elk at TGT. All 100%.
Not sure what to tell you. Something is messed up but it doesn't seem to be with everybody.
I purchased my first tent and placed it on Whitehart Island. I can fast travel to it but I can't see it...
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Seems like all new added tents have this problem, i have a Happy Camper Snowy Night tent bought at the start of the Xmas event, it does not even show...
I'm stuck at level 2 99% spotting and level 6 38% tracking. I've spotted and tracked maybe a dozen turkeys since noticing but the skills won't...
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You're right, but this is far from ideal. I should have had spotting 3 already in that hunt and yet I couldn't estimate the weight of turkeys that I...
today during 2 successive hunts i encountered the same problem, dead animals vanishing and found up to...
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Until now i saw this only in MP with waterfowl birds and most of the times the dog was involved, i don't do much MP and when it happens I'll harvest...
Game Management on website for both 'bait sites' and 'trophy lodge', doesn't seem to be...
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Correction: The Trophy Lodge and Bait Sites buttons don't work in the launcher either for me. They don't do anything, they don't even highlight when...