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Trophy integrity [3150]

Posted: September 14th, 2014, 7:43 am
by maros.kuzar

Few months ago I hunted with Jack Grave and talked about translation of "Trophy integrity" into "Hodnota úlovku". Well, Jack promised he will tell you to change it with something more appropriate like "Integrita trofeje", but I guess he forgot about it.

I think "Integrita trofeje" is better translation since "Hodnota úlovku" is very misleading and I know lots of people who consider it to be score of the antlers, or animal in general, which is not. We have "Skóre" for that :)

Re: Trophy integrity [3150]

Posted: December 30th, 2014, 5:20 am
by DeZaaa
Would be "Celistvost úlovku" more accurate?

At least I think that this indicates the integrity of animal after shooting it. And if I understand it right then the bigger caliber you use or more of organs you damage the less integrity you get. Correct me if I'm wrong. :D

Re: Trophy integrity [3150]

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 4:40 pm
by Jack.Grave
Issue #3150 being worked on as 01/01/2015 ETA 01/15/2015 needsome digging with translated files/strings. Jack